Cagliari city

Capital city of Sardinia


StudentsVille is here to tell you everything you need to know; what to see in Cagliari, what to see in Cagliari in one day, where to eat in Cagliari, and so much more. This page will give you the ins and outs on what to see and do in Cagliari as well as providing you with Cagliari useful info for those studying in Cagliari and those living in Cagliari...

Interested in coming to Cagliari to study abroad? Here you will find everything you need to know from the University of Cagliari's course list, masters programs to PhD programs. If you are just coming for a vacation and have some extra time, check out the cooking courses offered in the area.

Cagliari has a million things to do and nothing to do all at the same time and that's the beauty of this place. You can find history around every corner or a beach to lie down on, a low key night at the movies or live music and drinks with a view.  In any case, all of our recommendations are on the next page!

We know that it can be stressful traveling abroad and this is exactly why we have created this page for you. We have included things that travelers might want to be familiar with. It’s always good to know where the embassies are located, any emergency numbers you may need, ATM locations, how to get to and from places, and any other information we think that you may find useful.

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