
Colleges in Florence Italy For Foreign Students

A list of American colleges in Florence Italy in which programs are usually focused on Florentine Arts and Renaissance Culture.

Interested in Florence Italy Colleges and universities? Check out our list of universities in Florence Italy for American students

IE Academic Programs - Study Abroad in Florence

Piazza delle Pallottole, 1 (Duomo) - 50122 Firenze
Phone: +39-055-2381071
Fax: +39-055-289145

IE Academic Programs offers semester and summer courses in Italian Language, Arts and Humanities, Music, Social Sciences and Fine Arts, with transferable college credits. Courses, except for Italian language are mostly taught in English.
The school is located on two floors of a historic building in Piazza del Duomo and hosts an international student body.

Sarah Lawrence College in Florence

Palazzo Spinelli
Borgo S. Croce, 10 - Firenze, FI 50122 Italy
Phone: +39 055 240904

Sarah Lawrence College Official Website

Sarah Lawrence Colleges in Florence Italy

To study on the Sarah Lawrence program in Florence is to inhabit history, to step into a living text; it is to directly encounter some of the world's greatest art and gain the critical tools to confront it fully.

It is to take in a city of subtle moods from literary, historical and archaeological vantage points; to create one's own art and music in studios under the guidance of practicing artists and musicians. In short, it is to take an academic journey of extraordinary breadth and depth.

As a student on the Sarah Lawrence program, you'll have extensive opportunities to delve into the culture of Italy, to pursue your academic interests through the highly refined lens that is Florence. In this seat of humanism and individual accomplishment, you'll receive personal attention from Italian faculty in humanities seminars and in studio courses in the visual arts and music.

Living in an Italian home, you will gain a command of the Italian language. And as your learning expands, you'll gain an inner knowledge—and an intellectual confidence—that will take you well beyond the city's gates.

Smith College - Florence Program

Piazza Signoria, 4A - 50122 Firenze 
Phone/Fax: +39 055 238.13.97
*(from the US 011-39-055-238.13.97)
Phone/Voicemail: +39 055 238.16.74
*(from the US:

Smith College Official Website
Smith College in Florence

This full-year program begins with four weeks of intensive language study, cultural orientation, an art history course and excursions. During each semester students enroll infour courses, including one or two courses at the University of Florence and two or three Smith Program courses offered by Italian professors in Renaissance Art History, Italian Literature, Contemporary Italian History, Italian Stylistics, and Opera.

Students live in Florentine homes, situated within walking distance of the Smith Center and central Florence. Students eat breakfast and dinner with their families, and receive a stipend for lunches.

Middlebury College School - Florence Program

Via degli Alfani, 48-red- 50121 Firenze, Florence, Italy
Phone: +39 055 245790
Piazza S. Spirito, 9 - Firenze 50125, Italy
Phone: +39 055 244593

Middlebury College Official Website
Middlebury College in Florence

Among the numerous programs for U.S. students in Florence, Middlebury's is noteworthy for the linguistic proficiency of its students who are appreciated by the Florentine community for the seriousness of their commitment to experience Italian life fully and to live in the culture.

Middlebury's School, or Sede, is located at the Palazzo Giugni, a sixteenth century palace designed by the renowned Bartolomeo Ammannati, which is situated in the academic heart of the old city, an area bustling with coffee shops, bookstores, cultural clubs, and academic buildings. The Duomo, Palazzo Vecchio, and Florence's other main monuments are all within easy walking distance.

Lorenzo De Medici & Marist College

Main Campus
Via Faenza 43, 50123, Florence, Italy

Phone: +39 055 287360 / +39 055 239 8920

Marist College Florence Program Official Website
Lorenzo Dè Medici Official Website

Marist College, an accredited U.S. institution, has developed a branch campus in Florence, Italy to become the first school to offer study abroad students a U.S. four-year bachelor’s degree program in Florence, in collaboration with the Istituto Lorenzo de'Medici, a well-known institution founded in 1972 as one of the first schools in Florence designed to teach Italian as a second language. Through the partnership between LDM and Marist College, you will find 10 BA programs and 1 masters program available to those coming from abroad. For more information on what else Istituto Lorenzo de'Medici offers, look on their website or follow our link here.

Associated Colleges of The Midwest

At Scuola Linguaviva 
Via Fiume, 17 - 50123 Firenze
Phone: +39 055 280 016 - +39 055 283 667

Associated Colleges Midwest Official Website
Associated Colleges of the Midwest in Florence

The ACM Florence: Arts, Humanities, & Culture program is designed to develop students’ ability to analyze works of art within the context in which they were created.

The program has three overall learning goals:
1) To develop an understanding of the creative processes and the context in which Florentine Renaissance art, sculpture, and architecture were produced;

2) To develop a broad understanding of present-day Italian society and culture;

3) To acquire a working knowledge of Italian language sufficient to communicate with host families and other Italians and to read papers and documents.

ACCENT - Community Colleges

Piazza Santo Spirito, 10 - 50125 Firenze ITALY
Phone: + / +
Fax: +39

870 Market Street, Suite 1026
San Francisco, CA 94102

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