

How safe is Florence Italy? The crime rate in Florence is low and the city is definitely a safe place. Anyway, in case you have any kind of problem it is always better to have basic information about the way you have to follow to face emergency in the right way: emergency phone numbers, police stations, hospitals and pharmacies, etc.
All numbers beginning with 1678 or 800 are toll-free.

If you don't speak Italian, you can find assistence at the following police station:

Via Pietrapiana, 50r
Phone: 055 203911

Via Zara, 2
Phone: 055 49771

Borgo Ognissanti, 48
Phone: 055 24811


Carabinieri phone 112
Polizia [Police] phone 113
Vigili del Fuoco [Fire Department] phone 115
Ambulances Medical Assistance phone 118
ACI [car breakdown service] phone 116 [website]
Vigili Urbani [Urban Police] emergency phone 055 328 3333
Car Removal 055 783882 [open 24/7 payment cash, bancomat & credit cards]
Protezione Civile [Civil Protection] phone 055 410 047 toll free number 167 015 161
Telecom phone 182
Polizia Stradale [Road Police] phone 055 577 777
Poste - General Info phone 160
Lost and Found Via Circondaria, 17/b phone 055 328 3942 or 055 328 3943
FS - Ferrovie dello Stato [Railway] [Information on line]
Comune di Firenze Website

E.R. Emergency Rooms - Hospital

Policlinico di Careggi viale Pieraccini 17 phone 055 42 77 111 - In Florence, Careggi Hospital is notable for its size and clinical services.

Ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova Piazza s. Maria Nuova, 1 phone 055 27581.

Centro Traumatologico Ortopedico (CTO) Largo Palagi, 1 phone 055 4278227.

Centro Oftalmologico - Ocular Casualties - Careggi Hospital Day Phone 0554277260 Night Phone 055 4277256.

Ostetricia e Ginecologia - Obstretical and Gynecological Casulaties - Careggi Hospital Phone 055 4277493.

Otorinolaringoiatria - Ear-Nose-Throat Casualties - Careggi Hospital Phone 055 4277989.

Istituto Ortopedico Toscano (IOT) Viale Michelangelo, 41 phone 05565771.

Ospedale Pediatrico Mayer (Children's Hospital) Viale L. Giordano 13 Phone 055 56621.

Nuovo Ospedale S. Giovanni di Dio via Torregalli, 3 Phone 055 71921.

Ospedale di Santa Maria Annunziata (Ponte a Niccheri) Via dell'Antella, 58 Bagno a Ripoli phone 055 24961.

Medical Service Monday-Saturday 2-7 p.m. Vicolo degli Adimari, 1 Phone 055 212221.

Medical Service Via Lorenzo il Magnifico, 59 phone 055 475411.


Ven. Arciconfraternita della Misericordia di Firenze
Vicolo degli Adimari, 1 (Piazza Duomo) - Ph. 055 212221.
Fee paying service 23,50 Euro (2003) - Open Monday to Friday 2-6 p.m. from March to October.

Studio Medico Associato 24 hours Medical Service
Via Lorenzo il Magnifico, 59 - Ph. 055 475411 Fax 055 474983 -
Fee paying service - Surgery open Monday to Friday 11-12 a.m. 17-18 p.m.
English, German and French speaking practitioners and specialists (by appointment) on call.

Now you can see a list of private doctors. All of them can easily speak english with you. They are all recommended by us.

Dr. Stephen Kerr. English Doctor. (website)
Services Include: general/family medicine, contraception, morning after pill, sports certificates (for gym, swimming, etc.), travel vaccinations, allergy shots, customs release certificates and specialist referrals (english speaking doctors, therapists, etc.).

Piazza Mercato Nuovo, 1 (between Ponte Vecchio and Piazza Repubblica)
Phone: 055 288055 - Cel.: 335 8361682
Clinic by appointment: weekdays (except 3-5pm) or without an appointment: weekdays 3-5pm
weekends: phone the cell. number.
Credit Cards Accepted

Daniele Torchia M.D. Ph.D.
Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology

Piazza di Mercato Nuovo, 1
Phone: 055 285428 - Cel.: 339 8095290

Dr. Carlo Cerboni

Piazza del Mercato Nuovo, 1
Phone: 055 214036 - Cel.: 335 6888425

Dr. Fiorella Caspoli
Medico Omeopata

Piazza del Mercato  Nuovo, 1
Phone: 055 285428 - Cel.: 347 7587481

Anna Choub. MD, PhD
Specialist in Psychiatry. Assistant Clinical Professor.
Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY

Piazza Mercato Nuovo, 1
Studio Medico 4th floor
Cel.: 339 5687775

Dr. Fabio Norcia. (website)
Specialista in Pediatria /
Medicina Generale /
Psicorieducazione Unicista

Piazza del Mercato Nuovo, 1
Phone: 337 696900


In Florence there are 96 private and 21 municipal pharmacies. All the pharmacies are opened 9am-1pm; 3.30pm-8pm Mon-Fri.

On Saturday only half of the Florentine pharmacies are open. On Sundays and during holidays there are about 15 pharmacies open 9am-8pm.

To know the pharmacies timetable you can dial the free number 800 420 707 for advice and information 24/7 or click here.

Every day there are 13 pharmacies open after 8pm, but only 9 of these are open 11pm-9am.
Three pharmacies are open 24/7:

COMUNALE 13 inside the Santa Maria Novella Railway Station phone number 055 216 761.

MOLTENI Via Calzaiuoli, 7 phone number 055 215 472.

ALL'INSEGNA DEL MORO Piazza San Giovanni, 20 r (Duomo Square) phone number 055 211 343.

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