
Study in Italy: Study and Visa Documents

Permesso di Soggiorno, Codice Fiscale, Iscriversi all'Anagrafe, codice by visa, health insurance...Oh my! Getting accepted into a program of study in Italy isn't the hardest part of studying abroad experience! There's the Italian paperwork and bureaucracy! We're here to help explain, and ease the pain, of obtaining your study in Italy documents.

Did you apply for a study visa or receive a Lifelong Learning Programme/Erasmus grant for more than 90 days? Upon your arrival in Italy, you will need to apply for at least one of the following items to legally stay in the country.

Click on the names below for a complete list of required documents and step-by-step instructions:

Permesso Di Soggiorno

How to obtain the "Permit to Stay" or "Residence Permit," for Non-European Union citizens.

Iscriversi all’Anagrafe

How to "Register with the Registry Office," for European Union citizens.

Medical Insurance

Healthcare coverage and health insurance for Italy student visa, options for non-EU students. If you are a student from outside the EU, you need a health insurance Italy, because yours probably it’s not valid abroad. You can either do an international policy from your home country or you can do a health insurance in Italy for foreigners.

Health insurance for Italy student Visa: what to do

You can also at your arrival in Italy can purchase a health insurance in Italy for foreigners  at the Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni, INA, that is an Italian insurance policy.  Ina Insurance is a reliable and easy option that meets student visa requirements. There are different packages for a health insurance Italy  that offers  INAssitalia. The  medical insurance abroad, package that the Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni, INA, offers costs 98€ for one year and 49€ for 6 months medical insurance coverage.

But if you prefer there are also other options apart from the public insurances in Italy, such as private insurances in Italy and also a medical insurance abroad post office insurance.

Codice Fiscale

How to get a "Tax Code," and why you need one. What is a codice fiscale or an italian social security number and how to get one.

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