
Florence Useful Information

Would you like to know the complete bus timetable in Florence? Want to find Florence Apartments? Planning a trip to the seaside but don't know the weather forecast for the weekend? Did you know that the emergency number in Italy is 113 (not 911!)?

StudentsVille has got all the info to make students and travelers feel like Florence experts and enjoy the city at its best:

Florence maps, Florence city parking and garagestraditional downtown markets, and so much more!

Florence Useful Information

Florence Emergency

In case you have any kind of problem it is always better to have basic information about the way you have to follow to face emergency in the right way: emergency phone numbers, police stations, hospitals and pharmacies, etc.
All numbers beginning with 1678 or 800 are toll-free.

Florence Car & Bike Rental

What is the best way to stroll around the narrow streets of an Italian city? The answer is really easy: by Vespa or by Bike, of course!
The city streets were built centuries ago essentially for traffic of horses and charriots. Today, Vespas (and scooter in general) and bikes are the natural substitutes of that ancient means of transport.
In this page you'll find a selection of the most important Bike, Scooter and Car Rentals of Florence....Enjoy your stay in the Renaissance with!

Florence Map

Want to verify if your hostel is really near the train station? Need to quickly check if your apartment is next to the Uffizi Museum or if it's closer to the Stadium? Curious about the distance between your hotel and Michelangelo's David or the Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge)? The answers to all these questions are in the StudentsVille Florence City map! The City map of Florence, Italy divides the city into 8 main zones marked by 8 different colors (see the legend below).

Florence history

by Vincenzo 'Berserk' Mazzara 
The long and ancient history of Florence officially begins in the 1st century BC, but it can be dated back even earlier.


If you want to know if tomorrow is better to visit the Uffizi museum, the Boboli garden, or having a trip to the sea...check before the weather forecast...

Florence Internet point

Do you miss your family or your friends living far away beyond the Alps or over the sea and do you want to write them? Or do you miss your beloved one and you have a sudden inspiration to send a wonderful love mail but you don't know how to reach a computer to write her/him a long sweet mail on the wave of emotions..? Or you simply can't stay for more than 24 hours away from the pages of StudentsVille?...

Whatever may be the case don't worry! In this section you'll find a selected list of all the main Internet Points in Florence!

Florence Bus, Taxi and Parking

Moving in Florence can be very easy (by car is not so easy to find a park place). On the web there are several sites where you can find updated information about the public trasportation system of the city. In these pages we've selected the most important websites for your movings in town. Timetables, numbers, map of the city, parking areas...

Florence Markets

One of the best way to enjoy a wonderful sunny day in Florence is surely stroll the nice markets located all around the city: Sant'AmbrogioSan LorenzoCascineFortezza da basso.

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