Perugia Useful Info: Consulate locations, Emergency Numbers, Transportation & more

If you are visiting Perugia or studying abroad, it’s important to always know your surroundings and what to do in the case of an emergency. Exactly why we have created a Perugia useful Informations guide to answer any questions or doubts that you might have.  

Where to find your Consulate in Perugia:

Unfortunately, if you are coming from the United States, you will not find a consulate in Perugia. You will have to do some traveling to either Florence or Naples. If you need the U.S. Embassy, although we hope that you don’t, you will have to go to Rome. All wonderful cities to visit though. For consulates that are in Perugia, click here: Consulates in Perugia.

Emergency Numbers in Perugia:

Police: 112

Fire Station: 115

Medical Emergencies: 118

Medical Information in Perugia:

How to get to the Ospedale Santa Maria della Misericordia di Perugia

That is the nearest hospital, about 18 minutes away by car or 30 mins by bus.

If there is less of an emergency, such as a cold or allergies, you can find any pharmacy (farmacia) in the center and the pharmacists there will be happy to assist you.

We recommend getting some kind of travelers insurance before traveling.

ATM Locations in Perugia:

For your nearest ATM click here: ATMs in Perugia to see the interactive map of the city and all of its ATMs.

Transportation in Perugia and more:

By Bus: You can find a full map and hours of the routes in Piazza Italia. Bus stops are very frequent throughout the city and they run about every 20-30 mins. All bus stops have the schedule and stops written out. Don’t forget to buy a ticket at a nearby Tabacchi and avoid the fine you would get without a ticket!

By Mini Metro: Think a mini monorail. Check out the link to see how it works, when it runs and how much it costs.

By Car: If you are brave enough to rent a car, you will certainly be pleased at how quickly you can get to other nearby cities, however do not expect an easy parking situation as most of the center is closed off to car traffic.

By Train: This is one of the most popular ways to get from one city to the next within Italy. The Train Line – this site checks the different company’s availability  going to all other major cities in Italy.

By Plane: You will have to get to Perugia by flying into Pisa Airport, Rome Airport or Florence Airport. Perugia can be reached easily from these airports by train, car or bus.

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