
Siena Useful Information: City map, Emergency Numbers and much More

Anytime you travel to another country, it is important to know the basic information of the country you are traveling to in the case of an emergency or just to make your life a bit easier when abroad.  Below you will find an interactive map of Siena displaying all of the important things to see, emergency numbers that we hope you never have to use, where the nearest emergency room is and other Siena useful information.


Siena Touristic Point Information:

This info point can be found in Piazza Duomo, 2 right near the cathedral. Open Mon-Fri from 8:30AM-1PM & 3PM-7PM, Saturdays 8:30AM-1PM and closed Sundays. Here they will help you with any tourist service you can think of.  


Where to find your consulate in Siena:

Unfortunately, if you are coming from the U.S., you will not find a consulate in Siena. Fortunately, however, there is one in Florence which is just a short train/bus/car ride away. If you come in contact with a problem bigger than losing your passport, you will need to go to the U.S. embassy in Rome.


Siena Emergency Numbers:

118 – medical emergencies

113 – police station

115- fire station

All numbers are toll free and will connect.


Medical Information in Siena:

Nearest emergency room is at the “Le Scotte” Hospital in Viale Bracci, 16. This emergency room works like any other, they will take the more serious cases first, so expect to wait if it’s not as serious at the others. Expect to pay a small fee if you have not purchases travelers insurance.


Wash & Dry in Siena:

Waterland Wash & Dry is the laundromat in the center. Open daily from 7AM-10PM during the winter months (Nov-April) and 7AM-11PM during the warmer months (May-Oct).


Siena ATM Locations:

Home to the oldest bank in Italy, you will find ATMs all over the place. Click on the link to see a map: Monte dei Paschi di Siena ATM locations.


Siena Transportation and more:

Luckily Siena is easily accessed by all forms of transportation from the major cities in Italy.

By Train- Regional Trains – Click on the link provided to see the trains that reach Siena from the major cities. For example, you can be in Siena from Florence in just 1.5 hours.

By Bus – Flixbus or Tiemme Trains – you will find that Flixbus run less frequently than Tiemme Trains, but those are your best two options if you want to take the bus to and from Siena from other major cities.

By Airport – Siena has no major airport, but Florence is closeby as well as Pisa airport.

By Car– If you have rented a car, getting to Siena isn’t the problem (45 mins from Florence, 1.5 hrs from Rome), it is the parking as parking and car access into the main city center is extremely limited. Parking on the outskirts means you have to pay the meter and keep up with it, which can be tough if you plan on staying in Siena for longer than a day.

Check out this Interactive Map of Siena  to help you get around the city with ease.


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